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The Power of Nigella Sativa: From COVID to Skincare

You may have seen me share stories or posts about nigella, but perhaps kept scrolling without a blink of an eye. Well here I am again, slightly obsessed with Nigella... but all for a good cause, trust me!

Nigella sativa is more commonly known as Black Seeds, Black Cumin or Kalonji (definitely not black sesame - regardless of how similar they look). It was briefly here and there throughout the decade of my naturopathic and herbal medicine studies, however it wasn't until CV19 hit that the phenomenal health benefits (backed with extensive scientific research), was revealed to me, and I put my handy oil press to work once again (after a lack of access to Tamanu nuts since moving from Fiji - another obsession for another day).

Nigella sativa was historically claimed to be "a remedy for all diseases except death". It's been used medicinally for thousands of years, with extracts being found in various sites throughout Ancient Egypt - including inside of King Tutankhamun's tomb!

Here's just a few common conditions that Nigella has been clinically proven to be beneficial for:

  • Allergies/antihistamine

  • Anticancer properties

  • Antiviral/Coronavirus

  • Antidiabetic effects

  • Hypertension

  • High cholesterol

  • Antimicrobial against Staphylococcus, candida & H.plyori

  • Pain relief

  • Reducing anxiety

  • Asthma in both humans and horses

  • Anticoagulant (blood thinner)

  • Inflammatory conditions (Anti-inflammatory)

  • Dermatitis & skin conditions

  • Acceleration of bone formation

  • Gastroprotective (improving gut lining)

  • Repairs and protects the liver

  • Protects against heavy-metal toxicity (cadmium & lead)

So, basically everything except death, right!?

During the years that CV19 was splashed over every headline, and natural remedies where nowhere to be seen, a not-so-small organization of leading critical care specialists called FLCCC listed nigella as part of their prevention & treatment protocols for Cv19.

Thankfully the hype of all of that has ceased (mostly), and some unsung heroes (including nigella) have come to light. However, more recently, and a lot more closer to home, my toddler son developed a staph infection that was becoming resistant to many (expensive) natural antiseptics/antibacterial creams and starting to spread to other areas of his body and face.

After doing some extensive reading up about staphylococcus and remembering the humble black seed, I shifted my area of research onto nigella and staph and was blown away, once again at the remarkable power that this little seed holds. Once my bulk order of organic nigella seeds arrived, I turned my cold-press oil extractor on and started to marvel at the pure black & gold oil flowing in front of me.

That night the oil was massaged into a cleansed toddler, and continued to apply to his skin throughout the next day. After 24hrs there was a significant difference to the appearance of his skin. The infection was gone, and his wounds were already healing.

Hence why I've been motivated to write this... perhaps not everyone holds an oil press on their kitchen bench, but the oil is readily available from most health shops. Make sure you look for one that has been cold pressed and organic for quality, to ensure the main healing constituent of nigella sativa (Thymoquinone) is still present.

How to take:

Other than applying the oil direct onto the skin for infections, and improving wound healing (also can be used cosmetically for softer/smoother skin), nigella oil can be taken internally in doses from 2.5ml to 15ml daily in divided doses*. Larger doses may cause nausea and/or vomiting and is not recommended in women trying to conceive (potentially acting as a natural birth control... again, amazing, right?!).

Eating nigella seeds:

The seeds can be eaten as they are - thrown into salads, curries or baked onto homemade bread and crackers. They have a pungent taste and a little goes a long way.

Explore more:

At my next Lunch & Learn event we will explore more about nigella, including ways to incorporate it into your everyday life; and you'll even get to try it freshly pressed, drizzled over a nourishing lunch too - book for my next lunch & learn here

*Doses stated are only a guide and example for this blog. This is not a treatment plan. Please seek advice from your practitioner before starting any herbal products.

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